Centripetal and Beyond: Check Out These Upcoming Publication and Prize Deadlines for Your Creative Writing –

Oct 25 – Deadline to submit work to Centripetal!Your original poems, short stories, scripts, etc., can be submitted via email to psupoetsandwriters@gmail.com. They are accepting up to 4 pieces of writing and/or 4 pieces of artwork. There is a maximum of 4000 cumulative words for written submissions. Nov 6 – Deadline to submit poems for the 2025 Wildcat PrizeThe 2025...

“I’ve really fallen in love with the English program at PSU” — Taylor Smith, 2024 recipient of the Sally Boland Memorial Scholarship

Taylor Smith (’26) has global aspirations – one of them is to complete his TESOL certification and teach English abroad to speakers of other languages. But he isn’t waiting until graduation to learn through travel – Taylor is the president of the Social Action Trip club, a part of the Office of Community Impact. He enjoys working with fellow students...

“I couldn’t have picked a better school.” — Liam Leavitt, 2024 recipient of the Mary Rita Hyde ’62 Memorial Endowed English Scholarship

Liam Leavitt (’26) hit the ground running as soon as he arrived at Plymouth State as an English Education major in the Fall of 2022. In addition to his studies in literature and writing, Liam has been involved in student government, new student orientation, the Remedial Herstory Project and National History Day, Vocal Order (a capella group), the PSU Chamber...

“So many brilliant people” — Meghan Hall, 2024 Carole Anne Soucie Memorial Scholarship recipient

Meghan Hall (’26), this year’s recipient of the Carole Anne Soucie Memorial Scholarship, came to Plymouth State from Bedford, New Hampshire already taking herself seriously as a writer and reader, and has availed herself of opportunities to cultivate her skills and passions further in the PSU English program. She feels challenged to learn and grow in the writing and literature...

“My voice matters.” – Emi Mae Harmon, 2024 Meg Petersen Endowed Scholarship recipient

A native of Bristol, New Hampshire, Emi Mae Harmon, ’27, has always counted writing among her academic strengths. At PSU, she says she has been learning how to polish her writing and to break habits that have been holding her back as a writer. She loves being able to focus on English, surrounded by “thoughtful and creative” people who share...

NHPR Professionals Help Plymouth State English Majors Learn how “Humanities Work” 

This spring, the Plymouth State University English program, supported in co-sponsorship by the Humanities, Cultures and Communication Administrative Unit, hosted the first in what we hope to be a semi-regular series, “Humanities Work.” For this inaugural gathering, PSU English alumna Zoë Kay ‘18 (Marketing & Events Coordinator, NHPR) brought a whole crew from NHPR, including: Producer, All Things Considered, Michelle...

“I was only in awe:” Two Eclipse Poems

(photo credit: PSU Professor Julie Bernier, taken during totality at Coleman State Park) On April 8, students in Liz Ahl’s Creative Writing class were charged with writing “an eclipse poem.” Here are two of the resulting poems, by Dylan Tulk (“Eclipse”) and River Doumato (“We Were One”). Eclipse                      I went into the woods to ready myself.The sun feasted up...

English Education Professor Kenneth Logan and Plymouth State’s Holmes Center kick off partnership with Franklin schools

“About 20 Franklin public school teachers are enrolled in this school year’s first master’s degree course, which is taught in the Franklin Middle School Media Center by PSU Assistant Professor and English Education Coordinator Kenneth Logan. The course, The Science Behind Teaching and Learning, kicked off on Thursday, Sept. 21.” Read more from the NH Business Review article HERE!