Category: Plymouth State University

Intersectionality Talks with Dr. Justin Shaw

Co-sponsored by PSU English and the Open Learning and Teaching Collaborative, Intersectionality Talks is a new digital speaker series at Plymouth State University that features intersectional work on literature and culture. The program seeks to provide an interdisciplinary audience and platform for engaged, public-facing work from early career scholars and an opportunity to foster conversations at PSU about new research...

Words Unbound: Reading Globally

The PSU Canon is back! Except that, given PSU English’s commitment to Rethinking literature and blowing up the Western canon, we’re renaming this official blog The Ellen Reeder in honor of Ellen Reed. Check out this wealth of Iranian Writers curated by Niloufar Talebi, author, literary translator, interdisciplinary artist, producer, and teaching lecturer at PSU. Talebi most frequently teaches Writing...

Table Talk: Are Video Games Worth Scholarly Study?

Join Plymouth State University students Jessica, Emily, Peter, and Nick in a discussion on video games in art, academia, and culture! Listen to some of PSU’s best and brightest tackle the topic of video games as a podcast on The Canon’s Soundcloud or watch the video below! [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities: March-April

Nervous about graduation? Feel like you need to develop your professional image? Come join in on the career development opportunities coming this March and April! These opportunities are perfect for English majors who wish to step into professional careers after graduation, or for those looking to improve their professional persona. Senior Professional Dinner Thursday, March 29, 6:00pm-8:00pm Merrill Place Conference...

PSU Student Works: Shayla Locke’s YA Novel “Rise From the Ashes”

This fall, Plymouth State University offered a Special Topics in Writing course on Young Adult Fiction. This writing-intensive class, held by Professor Joseph Monninger (a veteran YA novelist), had students work on a singular, novel-length piece of YA fiction throughout the entire course. Senior English major Shayla Locke was one of the students who dipped their toes into writing for young...

PSU’s Cluster Composition Class Makes Digital Magazines

During the Fall 2017 semester, Professor Taylore Aussiker’s Composition class published several digital magazines to show that communication is not just textual, but also visual. The digital magazine publication assignment went hand in hand with the new Cluster Composition model, which was recently rolled out by Plymouth State University. These cluster classes aim to take a required course, Composition, and...

Plymouth State’s Open Textbook to be Featured at OER Conference

You have been hard at work all semester–researching, teaching, blogging, and writing their own literary prefaces based on topics such as nonhumans, reproduction, slavery, and social activism. As you all know, part of your work includes the creation of this newest iteration of PSU’s “Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature”–an ongoing, open-access, digital anthology of […] via THE OPEN ANTHOLOGY OF...

English Student Takes Second at PSU Panther Pitch

Last week, English Education major Isabelle Elsasser took second place at Plymouth State University’s annual Panther Pitch competition. In the Panther Pitch, students propose a business or entrepreneurial idea that helps solve societal challenges on a local, national, or international level. PSU students of all disciplines and majors can participate in the event. Elsasser earned second place for her nonprofit,...

Become a Graphic Novelist – Take ST: Comic Art & Narrative This Spring

In Spring 2018, Plymouth State University will offer a Topics in Writing course titled ST: Comic Art & Narrative (CRN 31480). This course, taught by English professor Dr. Elliott Gruner, will teach students how to create stories using sequential art. Sequential art, also known as “graphic narratives”, use sequences of images as a medium for storytelling. These works include comic strips, graphic...