Author: Ryan

Plymouth State’s Open Textbook to be Featured at OER Conference

You have been hard at work all semester–researching, teaching, blogging, and writing their own literary prefaces based on topics such as nonhumans, reproduction, slavery, and social activism. As you all know, part of your work includes the creation of this newest iteration of PSU’s “Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature”–an ongoing, open-access, digital anthology of […] via THE OPEN ANTHOLOGY OF...

Amazon to Make “The Lord of the Rings” TV Series

The journey through Middle-earth continues… Amazon has announced that it will be producing a multi-season, television adaptation based off of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings book series. The adaptation will cover events preceding the series’ first book, The Fellowship of the Ring. Users of the website Reddit have argued that the television adaptation should be considered less of a Lord of the Rings series, and...

English Student Takes Second at PSU Panther Pitch

Last week, English Education major Isabelle Elsasser took second place at Plymouth State University’s annual Panther Pitch competition. In the Panther Pitch, students propose a business or entrepreneurial idea that helps solve societal challenges on a local, national, or international level. PSU students of all disciplines and majors can participate in the event. Elsasser earned second place for her nonprofit,...

Become a Graphic Novelist – Take ST: Comic Art & Narrative This Spring

In Spring 2018, Plymouth State University will offer a Topics in Writing course titled ST: Comic Art & Narrative (CRN 31480). This course, taught by English professor Dr. Elliott Gruner, will teach students how to create stories using sequential art. Sequential art, also known as “graphic narratives”, use sequences of images as a medium for storytelling. These works include comic strips, graphic...

Poet Jenny Johnson on Queer Literature and Genre

On November 7th, award-winning poet Jenny Johnson came to Plymouth State University for a reading from her new book, In Full Velvet. Johnson’s performance was part of the Eagle Pond Authors’ Series, which brings diverse and revered poets to Plymouth State’s campus throughout the year. In Full Velvet tackles issues of gender, nature, and sexuality, and has been said to “speak into the...

Why Cluster English Majors with Technology?

In Fall 2017, Plymouth State University kicked off its integrated cluster program. This program threads complimentary majors into units called “clusters”. English majors have been placed in the Arts and Technologies with programs such as Computer Science and Information Technology. Some may ask, “Why cluster English majors with technology?” At face value, the two disciplines can seem worlds apart. But in...

New English Courses on Mindfulness and Contemplation

In the upcoming Spring 2018 semester, Dr. Karolyn Kinane will be teaching two new ENDI courses that have a focus on Contemplative and Mindful studies. The Canon interviewed Dr. Kinane to learn more about these courses. What are courses you will be teaching this spring? I’ll be teaching two General Education courses this spring. One is Curiosity, Playfulness, and Creativity,...