How Does One Ban A Book, Anyways? Here’s One Possible Approach…–Casey Ouellette

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• A book must have a combined score of 55 across all categories to be banned.
• All works of fiction and non-fiction start with a 3 in all categories and gain points with further trepidation. Religious texts start at 2 to protect religious freedoms. Reference books such as a dictionary or thesaurus start at 1 for being of purely educational purposes.
• * Ranked books are currently disputed in terms of placement due to a debate in meaning, intent, usage, and/or quality. As such, these scores could act as a 7, 8, 9, or 10, but will be considered a 7 until the dispute is settled.
• The maximum score for a reference book is 6, religious texts receive 12. The minimum score for all other books is 18. The maximum score that a book may receive is 60.
• The inclusion of age range is a point of reference for what audiences those levels of books are targeted at or would be appropriate for.
• Banned books that fail may be contested after a grace period of 6 months whereby they must either be censored or have their designation overruled by the supreme court.


This Rubric does not reflect the views of its creator. It was composed based off of perceived conceptions and for a purely hypothetical approach to tackling them. Vague points are products of undefined categorizing. This rubric should in no way be utilized in a proper forum, to do so would be dangerous and likely in violation of some basic rights to free speech. I write this disclaimer because I do formally object to my own creation, however much love I may have for it. I would also add much of this rubric is meant to be taken lightheartedly. With that said, I present the rubric.


This project was created by Casey Ouellette for a class at PSU that examines taboos in literature.
