Welcome Back

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Science library of Upper Lusatia in Görlitz, Germany.

Science library of Upper Lusatia in Görlitz, Germany.

Hello everyone! I hope your summers were filled with joy and relaxation, and you’ve enjoyed the first beautiful two weeks back on campus.

Welcome to the Ellen Reeder! My name is Miranda Kaplan, I am a senior English major, and will be serving as the student editor for the Ellen Reader. 

I hope to build on the work Asia Merrill did last semester to create a digital community of English majors. I want to feature student, faculty, and alumni work. This should be a place where we can support our classmates in their work outside of the classroom. My goal is to cultivate a collection of students, alumni, and faculty personal blogs or websites. I’d love to be able to highlight the fantastic work everyone in our community is doing! 

If you have a personal website or blog, and would like it listed here on the Ellen Reeder, please email me! My email is mk1187@plymouth.edu. In addition, feel free to email me any submissions or suggestions! I want this to be a collaboration of all of us!

Miranda Kaplan