January 2023 English Updates
PSU Poets & Writers will be having its first meeting of the semester next Tuesday, January 30, 6PM, in Rounds 204. From Dan H: “We’re going to talk a little bit about the upcoming semester, and then we’ll be decorating our bulletin board! It’s a little out of date, so hopefully we can spruce it up. It’s the wall outside of Rounds 204, and I am open to ideas! Please let me know if anyone has a ~vision~ for the board.” The beautiful printed copies of Centripetal are now a reality – and they will be available (among other places) at next week’s meeting.
As you prepare to submit your creative writing work to Centripetal for their NEXT edition, you might also consider, especially if you have LOTS of work you feel is ready to go out into the world, these other opportunities for publication – these journals are open exclusively to undergraduate college student writers.
Poet and editor Allison Joseph will be reading for the Eagle Pond Authors’ Series on Thursday, February 9, at the Silver Center (Smith Recital Hall). This reading is free and open to all, though it is ticketed. More information about this poet and this event HERE. Her books will be available for purchase and signing after the reading. She is a great reader – you don’t want to miss this! Updated vaccinations and masks are strongly encouraged to protect us all during cold/flu/covid season. Poet Patrick Donnelly will read on March 30.
Be on the lookout for future announcements about a Game Night, Open Mics, and, pending student interest, some kind of English major degree works/registration/group advising night? Also, before you know it, it will be time to submit your fabulous critical analysis/essay work to the Sally Boland Scholarly Essay Prize (from the Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program) or the English program’s Hinman Prize (also for scholarly essays).